ETSIT  ¦ Agenda Institucional  ¦  Evento

1st EIT Health Students Workshop for Master of Technological Innovation in Health (MTiH)

Aula Magna (Edificio A)
Fecha y Hora:
Fecha de Inicio: 05 octubre 2018
Hora de Inicio: 09:00
Hora de Finalización: 15:30



The Master of Technological Innovation in Health (MTiH) is a master programme funded by the EIT Health offering a transdisciplinary and holistic approach to  Biomedical and Health Engineering. The master is implemented in 5 universities  (Sorbonne Université, Universitat de Barcelona, Université Grenoble Alpes, Universidade de Lisboa and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) since September 2017. EIT Health (European Institute of Innovation and Technology for Health) is a consortium of more than 50 core partners and 90 associate partners from leading businesses, research centres and universities from across 14 EU countries. The goal of EIT Health is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of European industry, improve the quality of life of Europe’s citizens and the sustainability of healthcare systems.
The MTiH aims to:
•  Train students in technologies applied to healthcare
•  Develop students’ Innovation & Entrepreneurship initiative
•  Assure students’ international mobility in both an academic and industrial context
•  Support students in their entrepreneurial journey (start-up creation).

The goals of the “1st EIT Health - Master of Technological Innovation in Health (MTiH) Students Workshop” are:
•  To have former MTiH Students share their experiences with professors, external stakeholders and newly recruited students
•  To provide training on I&E in health technology
•  To raise the visibility and promotion of EIT Health-MTiH.
The workshop will feature:
•  Keynote speakers on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health technology
Dra. Ursula Mühle (EIT Health Education Director)
•  Speakers presenting EIT Health – Start Up experiences:
o    ABLE- Alfons Carnicero
o    SPOTLAB-Miguel Luengo-Oroz
o    WIVI- Eva García Ramos y Juan Carlos Ondategui
•  Prof. Gonzalo León (Innovation Partnerships Director-UPM)

•  MTiH students’ presentations representing all 5 universities, sharing their own experiences of mobility
•  MTiH students’ posters showing students’ profiles with examples of work done over internships (show case/portfolio for non-academic partners).
Workshop participants:
•  MTiH students from all 5 universities, traveling to Madrid
•  Master students from all 5 universities attending remotely
•  Academic staff from all 5 universities
•  Stakeholders and non-academic partners (industry, hospitals).


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