Doctores Honoris Causa a propuesta de la ETSIT-UPM
JESÚS DEL ÁLAMO | Padrino/Madrina: Antonio Luque | Date of investment: 23-11-2015 |
![]() | Jesus Del Alamo is Director of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Donner Professor, and Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Jesus del Alamo is a native of Soria (Spain). He earned his degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 1980. He studied Masters and PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in California, majoring respectively in 1983 and 1985.... ver más | |
ALBERT LASZLÓ BARABÁSI | Padrino/Madrina: Pedro Zufiria Zatarain | Date of investment: 15-11-2011 |
![]() | Albert Laszló Barabási is a Hungarian scientist born on March 30, 1967 in Romania. Between 1986 and 1989 he studied physics and engineering at the University of Bucharest; in 1991 he earned the title of master Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, before joining Boston University, where he earned his doctorate in 1994. after a year as a postdoctoral researcher at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, in 1995 he became a professor at the University of Notre Dame. The year 2000 he was named Emil T. Hofmann Professor of Physics, becoming at 32 the youngest gifted teacher with an honorary professorship... ver más | |
VINTON CERF | Padrino/Madrina: Juan Quemada | Date of investment: 21-04-2009 |
![]() | Dr. Vinton Cerf was born in Connecticut in 1943. He graduated in mathematics from Stanford University in 1965. After working for a short period in IBM, entered in the computer department of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to a Master Scientific and his doctoral thesis. First work on the Snuper computer to continue from 1968 in the center of network measurement of ARPA in the group of Leonard Keinrock, where he began participating in the Working Group Network, in which they were, gestated many of the procedures of work of the future Internet ... ver más | |
TIM BERNERS-LEE | Padrino/Madrina: Juan Quemada | Date of investment: 21-04-2009 |
![]() | Professor Tim Berners-Lee was born in London in 1955. He graduated in Physics at the Queens's College of Oxford University in 1976. After graduating he worked in Telecommunications in Ltd Plessey first and D. G. Nash later. In 1986 he first stayed for six months at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, where he developed the storage program Enquire., Which was never published, but laid the conceptual foundations of the future World Wide Web. Back to England he worked at John Poole Image Computer Systems Ltd until 1984, when he won a fellowship to return to CERN... ver más | |
TAPAN KUMAR SARKAR | Padrino/Madrina: Magdalena Salazar Palma | Date of investment: 28-01-2004 |
![]() | Tapan Kumar Sarkar (Calcutta, India, August 2, 1948) nationalized in the United States. Currently he is professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Syracuse (NY).He has developed an intense teaching and research activity. The research of Professor Sarkar range from electromagnetic modeling to the signal processing and the development of subsystems and communications systems for various applications. It has deep knowledge of applied mathematics, electromagnetism, microwave, antenna theory and signal processing, which enabled it to cover a wide range of issues, proposing new and revolutionary solutions in many fields of applied electromagnetism, communications and signal processing ... ver más | |
ZHORES I. ALFEROV | Padrino/Madrina: Antonio Luque | Date of investment: 01-10-2001 |
![]() | Zhores I.Alferov was born in Vitebsk, Belarus, USSR, on 15 March 1930. In 1952, he graduated from the Department of Electronics Electro technical Institute V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) in Leningrad.Since 1953 Ioffe Physico-belongs to the Technical Institute where he held consecutively positions: junior researcher (1953-1964), senior researcher (1964-1967), director of the laboratory (1967-1987), and director (1987-present) .He obtained his first Soviet award, the tape Honor in 1959.... ver más | |
VAGAN V. SHAKHGILDYAN | Padrino/Madrina: Jésus Sánchez Miñana | Date of investment: 30-01-1995 |
![]() | Vagan V. Shahgeldyan is Rector of the Technical University in Telecommunications and Informatics of Moscow, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Laureate of the State Prize and Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences and the International Academy of Information. After graduating from the Moscow Electro technical Institute of Communications (FEMIP) he began working in the Department of the Institute itself as a Scientific Research Engineer ... ver más | |
WILLIAM ALEC GAMBLING | Padrino/Madrina: José Antonio Martín Pereda | Date of investment: 28-01-1994 |
![]() | Professor William Alec Gambling was one of the most important pioneers worldwide in the development and use of optical fiber communications. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Bristol in Britain, received his PhD from the University of Liverpool, from where he went to the University of British Columbia, in Canada as "Lecturer". In 1957 he joined the University of Southampton, initiating a line of research in the field of microwave devices... ver más | |
JAMES L. FLANAGAN | Padrino/Madrina: Elias Muñoz Merino | Date of investment: 01-10-1992 |
![]() | James L. Flanagan, graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Mississippi, and received degrees of Master and Doctor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He made his career mainly at Bell Laboratories of AT&T, where he became a researcher in 1957, occupying the direction and management of communications research in these laboratories. In 1990 he began his teaching career, working as a professor and researcher at Rutgers University in New Jersey State. At the time of his investiture as Doctor Honoris Causa by the U.P.M., he was Professor ... ver más |