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How to write references according to type of document

In each type of document we indicate the elements of reference and the order in which they should appear, giving examples depending on whether we deal with printed works or electronic resources

1. Books or other monographic resources

The order in which the items are listed is as follows:

SURNAME(s), name. Book title in italics. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year. International Normalized Number (ISBN ...) 

  •   Ex of printed book:

CHANG, Raymond. Principios esenciales de química general . 4ª edición. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN 978844817637

  • Ex electronic book:

FONSECA, Ricardo M. Introducción teórica a la historia del derecho [en línea]. Getafe: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012. Historia del Derecho, 14. [Consulta: 10-10-2013]. ISBN: 978-84-9031-070-0. Disponible en: 

2. Contributions in monographs

The references from one part of a monograph (as a chapter of a book containing works of different authors, a communication included in the conference proceedings, reference works entries ...) are performed according to the following general scheme: 

SURNAME (S), Name. Chapter title. In: Name LAST NAME (S). Title in italics of the work containing the chapter. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year numbering (volume, etc.), first and last pages of the chapter. International Normalized Number (ISBN ...)

  •     Ex chapter of a printed book:

CHANG, Raymond. Átomos, moléculas e iones. En: Raymond CHANG. Principios esenciales de química general . 4ª edición. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2013, 28-55. ISBN 978844817637

  • Ex chapter of a electronic book:

TARAZONA, P., Cuesta, J.A. y Martínez-Ratón, Y. Density functional theories of hard particle systems. En: Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems [en línea]. Ángel Mulero (ed.). Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 247-341 [consulta: 30-10-2013]. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 753. Disponible en:

3. Contributions in serialized publications

The references of an article in a magazine, for example, are drawn up according to the following general scheme:  

SURNAME (S), Name. Article title. Journal title in italics. Year of the issue in which is included the article, volume and / or issue number which is included in the article, first and last pages of the article. ISSN

  •    Ex of an article in a printed serialized publication.:

LECCHI, Paolo. The detection of intact double-stranded DNA by MALDI. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1995, 6, 10, 972-975. ISSN 1879-1123

  • Ex of an article in an electronic serialized publication:

ZYMANSKY, S. 1997. Magnetic Equivalence between Nuclei of Spin Greater than ½ in Presence of Relaxation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance [en línea], 127(2), pp. 199-205. [Consulta: 6 junio 2013]. ISSN 1090-7807. Disponible en:  

4. Websites and contributions to websites

These resources are considered respectively electronic monographs and contributions to electronic monographs. We can see the elements and their order in the relevant sections

  •  Ex of a full web site:

INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA [sitio web]. 2013. Madrid: INE. INEbase, Censos de Población y Viviendas 2011. [Consulta: 10 junio 2013]. Disponible en:

  •   Ex of a contribution to web site:  :

VERA Palencia, Alejandro. Guía Creative Commons. Sideleft : Propiedad Intelectual y contenidos digitales [blog]. 1 de abril de 2013 [consulta 05-06-2013]. Disponible en:

5. PhD Thesis and unpublished Final year Projects

The bibliographical references doctoral theses, dissertations, Final year Projects or career, etc. which have not been published is made according to the following general scheme:

SURNAME(S) , Name. Title of work in italics. Class unpublished thesis, academic institution in which it is Sresented, place, year

The place is only necessary if it is not implied in the name of the institution.

ARDEVOL GONZÁLEZ, J. F. Flora y vegetación del municipio de Icod de los Vinos (Tenerife). Tesis doctoral inédita, Universidad de La Laguna, 1990.

If the thesis, dissertation, etc. it has been published, it is referred to as a monograph.   

