The doctoral thesis is an original research work on a subject related to the own scientific, technical or artistic field of the doctoral program undertaken by the doctoral student.
Data base and resource | Scope | Description |
THESES at ETSIT | ETSIT | Contains references of all theses, final projects and term papers read undergraduate and masters at the School since 1965. It also contains patents professors and researchers linked to the ETSIT. |
Theses read at UPM | UPM | Database of theses presented at the UPM. Collects information from about 1,000 theses ETSIT |
UPM Digital Archive (full-text) | UPM | UPM digital file contains the academic production of the UPM is in full text. It contains about 500 theses full text thesis ETSIT |
emi+d archivo | Regional (Madrid) | It is the Consortium Madroño digital file contains the academic production in open universities that form the Consortium Madroño |
Teseo | National | Teseo is the database which records references Ministry of doctoral theses in Spain. Includes records the full text in some cases. |
TDR | Regional | PhD. Network is a full text repositories of a group of Spanish universities collaborating in this network. |
Dialnet | Regional | PhD thesis full text of the Spanish universities offering academic production through Dialnet. |
DART | Europe | European thesis full text. Access to 400,000 research papers open from 500 universities from 27 countries in Europe. |
DRIVER | International | Free access to digital repositories of academic institutions including more than 3 million scientific publications in open: conferences, books and articles collected from 300 institutional repositories from more than 40 countries. |
OATD | International | Open Access Theses and Dissertations. OATD collects theses and academic publications published in different institutions in the world. It gives access to nearly 2,000,000 full-text thesis scholarly publications from 800 institutions. |
Dissertations & Theses | International | Database ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A & I: The Sciences and Engineering Collection. Collection of theses and papers on science and engineering. |
NDLTD | International | Networked Digital Library of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). International organization dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and academic papers. |