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Theses, Final year Project, and academic works


The doctoral thesis is an original research work on a subject related to the own scientific, technical or artistic field of the doctoral program undertaken by the doctoral student.

Where to find theses (full-text and others)?

Data base and resource Scope Description
THESES at ETSIT ETSIT Contains references of all theses, final projects and term papers read undergraduate and masters at the School since 1965. It also contains patents professors and researchers linked to the ETSIT.
Theses read at UPM UPM Database of theses presented at the UPM. Collects information from about 1,000 theses ETSIT
UPM Digital Archive (full-text) UPM UPM digital file contains the academic production of the UPM is in full text. It contains about 500 theses full text thesis ETSIT
emi+d archivo Regional (Madrid) It is the Consortium Madroño digital file contains the academic production in open universities that form the Consortium Madroño
Teseo National Teseo is the database which records references Ministry of doctoral theses in Spain. Includes records the full text in some cases.
TDR Regional PhD. Network is a full text repositories of a group of Spanish universities collaborating in this network.
Dialnet Regional PhD thesis full text of the Spanish universities offering academic production through Dialnet.
DART Europe European thesis full text. Access to 400,000 research papers open from 500 universities from 27 countries in Europe.
DRIVER International Free access to digital repositories of academic institutions including more than 3 million scientific publications in open: conferences, books and articles collected from 300 institutional repositories from more than 40 countries.
OATD International Open Access Theses and Dissertations. OATD collects theses and academic publications published in different institutions in the world. It gives access to nearly 2,000,000 full-text thesis scholarly publications from 800 institutions.
Dissertations & Theses International Database ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A & I: The Sciences and Engineering Collection. Collection of theses and papers on science and engineering.
NDLTD International Networked Digital Library of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). International organization dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and academic papers.