ETSIT-EN  ¦ School  ¦ Administrative units and general services  ¦ Library  ¦ Services  ¦  Computer room

Loan of laptops and graphic calculators

Self service machine for laptop loans

Ask at the loan desk and present your UPM card

Laptop loans conditions and rules

  • The maximum loan is 5 hours, renewable for another 5 more (must be returned 1 hour before closing facilities Library)
  • You can save your documents with a USB device.
  • You can access the WIFI network with your user UPM "... @".

User responsibilities

  • Users take responsibility for the integrity of the equipment during the time they have it on loan.
  • A delay on the return of the laptop has a penalty of 1 day on your ID card.
  • The loss or damage of the laptop will mean the suspension of the Library service, until replacement of the item, anotherone with the same characteristics or, if required, repair of the damage caused.
  • No person may handle the hardware or software installed. The laptop must be returned in the same conditions that has been delivered to the user.

To protect the integrity of equipment that is lent to you, it is mandatory to use safety locks that we deliver you with the laptop.

Not using this equipment protection device can lead to sanctions by the Library.



The Ciberteca is a special room inside the Library to be used mainly with laptops, so the reading room can be dedicated to silent study.

There are 80 seats at the Ciberteca, all of them wired an in a University wi-fi area.

  •  Requests and suggestions: ciberteca(at)