You can only ask to reserve a book when all the items of the same book are checked out.
From the LIBRARY CATALOGUE, up on the rigth, click on “Sign in”. You must do it using your institutional mail and your usual password. Once in, you only have to search the title you are looking for and select the book.
In the item information you can see all of the items are on loan, so then you will be able to make a reservation request.
Click on “Options - Request”, and you will be able to select the library where you wish to pick up the book. Finally, you will have to select the icon “Request”.
When the requested book is available, you will receive a mail so you can go to the Library to handle your book, you will have to pick it up before 48h. form the mail. If not done this in time, it will carry sanctions.
If a book is loaned to another user, you can request the reservation of a book from home. This service allows you to make reservations online of books that have been loaned.
To make reservations, you must have in order the UPM card (without penalty).
If you have a book loaned you can renew the loan from your home the time of the loan.
You can renew online books that have borrowed accessing the library CATALOGUE
To enter into your "personal profile" you should identify yourself in the Library catalogue:
Click “renovar préstamos” and select the book you want to renew. It will show the new date of return.
The renewal of each loan can be made once and for the same period.
The Governing Council of the UPM approved the Regulations Loan Library UPM January 27, 2011