Pasaporte Madroño is a card that allows teachers, researchers, graduate students (official master, own research), research fellows with teaching load and administrative staff of Universities that make up the Madroño Consortium get books on loan from any of libraries of other universities in the consortium (Universidad Carlos III, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y UNED).
The National Library provides a license of investigator to all those in possession of a Pasaporte Madroño card.
The loan will be a maximum of 4 volumes for 30 days with a renewal.
The interlibrary loan is a service offered by the Library and that is to provide the user with original documents or reproductions that are not found in the library collection of the University Library.
Email requests: biblioteca.etsit(at)
Applications in person: Library ETSIT. Avda. Complutense, 30. Madrid 28040. SPAIN
You can access this service all teachers, PhDs, researchers and students (students will need special authorization) of la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This service is conducted through the Library of the corresponding center.