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Pasaporte Madroño

What is the Pasaporte Madroño?

Pasaporte Madroño is a card that allows teachers, researchers, graduate students (official master, own research), research fellows with teaching load and administrative staff of Universities that make up the Madroño Consortium get books on loan from any of libraries of other universities in the consortium (Universidad Carlos III, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y UNED).

The National Library provides a license of investigator to all those in possession of a Pasaporte Madroño card.

How can I get Madroño Passport ID card?


  • For professors, lecturers and PAS: 5 years, renewable for the same period.
  • For teachers and PAS hired: to date of contract termination.
  • For researchers: as the end date indicated in the database of the University
  • For graduate students: it will be established on December 31 last year of that course or course that would complete their studies, if known.

How many books may I borrow? 

The loan will be a maximum of 4 volumes for 30 days with a renewal.

Interlibrary Loan

What is the interlibrary loan?

The interlibrary loan is a service offered by the Library and that is to provide the user with original documents or reproductions that are not found in the library collection of the University Library.

Email requests: biblioteca.etsit(at)

Applications in person: Library ETSIT. Avda. Complutense, 30. Madrid 28040. SPAIN

Who can access this service?

You can access this service all teachers, PhDs, researchers and students (students will need special authorization) of la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This service is conducted through the Library of the corresponding center.

What documentation can be requested?

  • Books or sections of books.
  • Articles of periodicals.
  • Conference proceedings.
  • Grey literature, etc.

More information

  • Institutions Agreement on interlibrary loan Rebiun
  • The delivery time depends on the supplier requested documentation center.
  • When the document is received, notify the applicant by email to come and pick it up at the Library.
  • When possible, the document will be sent to the applicant electronically.
  • In the event that the documentation provided is a book, it must be returned to the lending library within the time that this indicated.
  • This service is NOT free, but its cost has no impact on the user, for this reason should evaluate the need to request this service.
  • Information on official rates REBIUN