ETSIT-EN  ¦ Studies  ¦ Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering  ¦  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about GIB

• Why study the bachelor of Biomedical Engineering at the UPM?

Our extensive and continuing experience of over 35 years in teaching and research in Biomedical Engineering. 

Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering from the UPM involves 6 Departments Centers UPM (ETSI Telecommunications, ETSI Caminos CYP ETSI Agronomists, Industrial ETSI, ETSI Computers, and INEF). This multidisciplinary character is an essential element of training because brings the best knowledge available at the UPM and through stable partnerships with other institutions, offers training of the highest quality and adequate to the existing and foreseeable professional demand. 

The UPM has an extensive teaching experience in matters of Biomedical Engineering (in ETSIT teaching IB is taught since 1983, in the degree of Telecommunications Engineering, teaching doctoral IB since 1985 and teaching master since 2006). This experience leads to better training of students as well as the existence of countless laboratories for practical work. 

One of the main strengths of the bachelor in Biomedical Engineering from the UPM is its cutting-edge research in IB: A large number of teachers participating in recognized research groups UPM performing cutting-edge research in the area of Biomedical Engineering (+18 groups) with numerous publications in prestigious scientific journals in the field of IB (+450) and national research projects (+180) and international, mainly from the European Union (+130 in the last decade) all in the field of Biomedical Engineering. This research activity results in better student training and continuous updating of the contents of the subjects. Likewise, students benefit from the use of resources provided by research laboratories.


The UPM stands for Biomedical Technologies: The Polytechnic University of Madrid has a strategic commitment to the activities in the biomedical sector, the so-called Biotech initiative, which among its objectives promotes the achievement of stable research agreements with external partners and encourages availability advanced scientific and technological infrastructure. Among these facilities is the Center for Biomedical Technologies UPM (CTB) created to stably integrate researchers from very different disciplines of Biomedical Technology, in order to address some of the great scientific challenges today in Health and Biomedicine. Degree students have access to the activities organized in the CTB. 

Erasmus mobility: Students who wish to have a place for a stay abroad (provided they meet the requirements). The center has agreements to exchange specific Erasmus mobility of students of the bachelor of Biomedical Engineering with European prestigious universities (offering 80 places for students of the GIB Bachelor in the 2015-2016 year). 

Internships in hospitals: Students can practice in hospitals and biomedical research centers with which the UPM has signed educational cooperation agreements. 

- Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor

- Hospital Universitario de la Princesa

- Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre

- Centros UPS-Quiron

- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

- Unidad Central de Radiodiagnóstico CAM


Curricular external internships: Students can earn up to 8 credits for the realization of external practices. During 2014-2015 have been offered places external practices for all students of 4th year. 

  • Can I enroll the Final Year Project both in the registration period in July as in January?

The final project is an annual subject of 12 ECTS but registration can be done at any time of year. If finally the TFG force within the course the student must enroll again and not defend the project.

  •  Upon TFG being an annual course, am I obligated to present it in June or July extraordinary?

The TFG can be defended in court any time of year, but the score will appear in the next edition, which according to the rules established TFG are January, June or July extraordinary. The deadline for submitting the report, requesting review and make the defense dates will be published on the website each year along with the Teaching Programming.

  • How do you decide who will be my tutor for the TFG and the court for the defense?

The student is first who will contact a teacher of the degree according to their preferences topics you want to make the TFG. If the teacher agrees to be his tutor and assigns a TFG, they must specify a title and a summary and the student must register in TFGs telematics application. The guardian will receive an email to access the application and accept the proposal and then indicate its proposal for the tribunal. At that time the TFG will go to the Academic Committee which meets once a month.

  •  How the date of the reading of my TFG is is set?

If not stated otherwise in the department of tutor / presenter, is the tutor of the student who must agree with the court a date for the reading once you have checked the memory of the TFG written by the student and consider that the TFG is ready to be defended in court. IMPORTANT: It is essential that the TFG is approved by the COA for the test to be performed before the court (the COA usually meets on a monthly basis).

  • How many credits can I get for internships in companies or hospitals?

In the GIB there are 8 optional credits in fourth year that can be obtained either by taking electives, or carrying out curricular internships (up to 8 ECTs), or performing recognizable activities (up to 6 ects). You can combine the above situations so that the total sum is 8 ECTS.