Cursos | 6 ECTS | 6 ECTS | 6 ECTS | 6 ECTS | 6 ECTS | |
1º | S1 | Álgebra ALGEBRA | Física PHYSICS I | Química CHEMISTRY | Cálculo CALCULUS | Fundamentos de Programación PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES |
S2 | Estadística STATISTICS | Ampliación de Cálculo EXTENSION OF CALCULUS | Física II PHYSICS II | Biología Celular y Tisular CELULAR AND TISSULAR BIOLOGY | Bioquímica y Biología Molecular BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | |
2º | S3 | Fundamentos de Electrónica PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONICS | Fundamentos de Biomecánica PRINCIPLES OF BIOMECHANICS | Análisis Instrumental ANALISIS INSTRUMENTAL | Economía y Gestión de Empresas ECONOMY AND ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT | Métodos Matemáticos MATHEMATICAL METHODS |
S4 | Uso profesional de la lengua Inglesa PROFESSIONAL USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE | Fisiología de Sistemas PHYSIOLOGY OF SYSTEMS | Sistemas Electrónicos ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS | Sistemas y Señales SYSTEMS AND SIGNALS | Biomecánica de medios continuos CONTINUUM MEDIA BIOMECHANICS | |
3º | S5 | Señales Biomédicas BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS | Fisiopatología Humana HUMAN PHYSIOPATHOLOGY | Modelos Numéricos en Biomedicina NUMERICAL MODELS IN BIOMEDICINE | Redes de Comunicaciones COMMUNICATION NETWORKS | Algoritmos y Estructuras de datos ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES |
S6 | Bases de Datos DATABASES | Imágenes Biomédicas BIOMEDICAL IMAGES | Biomateriales BIOMATERIALS | Arquitectura de Computadores y Sistemas Operativos COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS | Bioinstrumentación BIOINSTRUMENTATION | |
4º | S7 | Ingeniería Clínica y de Gestión CLINICAL ENGINEERING AND HEALTH SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION | Itinerario MAJOR | Trabajo Fin de Grado GRADUATION END PROJECT | ||
S8 |
Basic courses | Compulsory courses | Itinerary courses | Final Year Project |
Itineraries There are the following itineraries:1. Option in Bioinstrumentation, Biomaterials and Biomechanics: medical devices, biomaterials and biomechanics (Montegancedo campus)2. Option in Data Engineering and Digital Health3. Option in Biomedical Images (Moncloa campus)(*) NOTE: In each option, there are mandatory courses of the option and 12 elective ECTS that can be achieved totally or partially by taking optional courses of the options; subjects from another option; student internships; or other courses or activities defined in the annual teaching program. Within the 12 optional ECTs, a maximum of 6 ECTS can be obtained for the recognition of representational, cultural, ... activities. The teaching of optional courses will be conditional on there being a minimum number of students interested in taking them.
Option in Bioinstrumentation, Biomaterials and Biomechanics: medical devices, biomaterials and biomechanics | ||||||||
| 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 6 ECTS |
Year 4º | S7 | Ingeniería Clínica y de Gestión | Modelado y Simulación Dinámica Aplicada a la Biomedicina MODELING AND DYNAMIC SIMULATIONS APPLIED TO BIOMEDICINE | Laboratorio de Señales Biomédicas LABORATORY OF MEDICAL SIGNALS | Laboratorio de Imágenes Biomédicas LABORATORY OF MEDICAL IMAGES | Laboratorio de Bioinstrumentación BIOINSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY | Ingeniería de Tejidos BIOLOGICAL TISSUE ENGINEERING | Final Year Project |
S8 | Laboratorio de Materiales Biológicos y Biomateriales BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS AND BIOMATERIALS LABORATORY | Biosensores BIOSENSORS | Desarrollo de Dispositivos Médicos DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL DEVICES | Laboratorio de Biomecánica BIOMECHANICS LABORATORY | ELC* | ELC* |
(*) ELECTIVE COURSES / STUDENT INTERNSHIPS (12 ECTS) The 12 optional credits may be obtained by taking subjects from the rest of the options of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering or defined in the annual teaching program approved by the School Board. The 12 optional credits may also be obtained for carrying out external internships (up to a maximum of 8 credits) or recognized credits (up to a maximum of 6) for carrying out representation, cultural, sports, solidarity and cooperation activities.
Option in Data Engineering and Digital Health | ||||||||
| 4 ECTs | 4 ECTs | 4 ECTs | 4 ECTs | 4 ECTs | 4ECTs | 6 ECTs |
Year 4º | S7 | Ingeniería Clínica y de Gestión | Informática Biomédica BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS | Interfaces Hombre-Máquina HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES | Redes y Servicios COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SERVICES | ELC* | Final Year Project | |
S8 | Historias clínicas, Terminologías y Estándares HEALTH RECORDS, TERMINOLOGIES AND STANDARDS | Aplicaciones en Salud Digital APPLICATIONS IN DIGITAL HEALTH
| Sistemas de ayuda a la decisión MEDICAL DECISION MAKING TOOLS | Laboratorio de Aplicaciones en Salud Digital LABORATORY OF APPLICATIONS IN DIGIRAL HEALTH
| ELC* | ELC* |
(*) ELECTIVE COURSES / STUDENT INTERNSHIPS (12 ECTS) The 12 optional credits may be obtained by taking subjects from the rest of the options of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering or defined in the annual teaching program approved by the School Board. The 12 optional credits may also be obtained for carrying out external internships (up to a maximum of 8 credits) or recognized credits (up to a maximum of 6) for carrying out representation, cultural, sports, solidarity and cooperation activities.
Option in Biomedical Imaging | ||||||||
| 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 4 ECTS | 6 ECTS | |
Year 4º | S7 | Ingeniería Clínica y de Gestión | Laboratorio de imágenes Biomédicas LABORATORY OF MEDICAL IMAGES | Tratamiento Digital de Imágenes Biomédicas MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING
| Imágenes Biomédicas Avanzadas I ADVANCED MEDICAL IMAGES I | Informática Biomédica BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS | ELC*
| Final Year Project |
S8 | Historias clínicas, Terminologías y Estándares HEALTH RECORDS, TERMINOLOGIES AND STANDARDS | Aplicaciones en Salud Digital APPLICATIONS IN DIGITAL HEALTH | Simulación y Planificación Quirúrgica SURGICAL SIMULATION AND PLANNING | Imágenes Biomédicas Avanzadas II ADVANCED TOPICS IN MEDICAL IMAGING II | ELC* | ELC* |
(*) ELECTIVE COURSES / STUDENT INTERNSHIPS (12 ECTS) The 12 optional credits may be obtained by taking subjects from the rest of the options of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering or defined in the annual teaching program approved by the School Board. The 12 optional credits may also be obtained for carrying out external internships (up to a maximum of 8 credits) or recognized credits (up to a maximum of 6) for carrying out representation, cultural, sports, solidarity and cooperation activities.
Courses and skills
Distribution table on courses by tabs of study areas and semester | Year 1º | Year 1º | Year 1º | Year 1º | |||||||
Study areas | ECTS | Courses | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | |
MATHEMATICS | 27 | Álgebra ALGEBRA | X | ||||||||
Ampliación de Cálculo EXTENSION OF CALCULUS | X | ||||||||||
Métodos Matemáticos MATHEMATICAL METHODS | X | ||||||||||
Estadística STATISTICS | X | ||||||||||
Cálculo CALCULUS | X | ||||||||||
PHYSICS | 12 | Física I PHYSICS I | X | ||||||||
Física II PHYSICS II | X | ||||||||||
CHEMISTRY | 12 | Química CHEMISTRY | X | ||||||||
Análisis instrumental ANALISIS INSTRUMENTAL | X | ||||||||||
BIOCHEMISTRY | 9 | Bioquímica y Biología Molecular BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | X | ||||||||
BIOLOGY | 6 | ||||||||||
Biología Celular y Tisular
| X | ||||||||||
SYSTEMS | 10 | Sistemas y Señales
| X | ||||||||
COMPUTING | 18 | Fundamentos de programación
| X | ||||||||
Algoritmos y estructuras de datos
| X | ||||||||||
Arquitectura de computadores y SSOO
| X | ||||||||||
ELECTRONICS FOR BIOMEDICINE | 12 | Fundamentos de Electrónica
| X | ||||||||
Sistemas electrónicos
| X | ||||||||||
BIOMEDICAL DEVICES | 18 | Bioinstrumentación
| X | ||||||||
Laboratorio de Bioinstrumentación
| O | ||||||||||
Desarrollo de dispositivos médicos
| O | ||||||||||
| O | ||||||||||
DATABASES | 10 | Bases de Datos
| X | ||||||||
NLP y recuperación de información
| O | ||||||||||
BIOMECHANICS | 16 | Fundamentos de Biomecánica
| X | ||||||||
Biomecánica de Medios contínuos
| X | ||||||||||
Laboratorio de Biomecánica
| O | ||||||||||
BIOMATERIALS | 14 | Biomateriales
| X | ||||||||
Laboratorio de materiales biológicos y biomateriales
| O | ||||||||||
Ingeniería de tejidos
| O | ||||||||||
PHYSIOLOGY | 12 | Fisiología de Sistemas
| X | ||||||||
Fisiopatología humana
| X | ||||||||||
BUSINESS | 10 | Economía y gestión de empresas
| X | ||||||||
Ingeniería Clínica y de Gestión
| X | ||||||||||
PROFESSIONAL USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE | 6 | Uso profesional de la lengua Inglesa
| X | ||||||||
SIGNALS AND MEDICAL IMAGES | 44 | Señales biomédicas
| X | ||||||||
Imágenes biomédicas
| X | ||||||||||
Laboratorio de señales biomédicas
| O | ||||||||||
Laboratorio de imágenes biomédicas
| O | ||||||||||
Tratamiento digital de Imágenes biomédicas
| O | ||||||||||
Imágenes biomédicas avanzadas I
| O | ||||||||||
Imágenes biomédicas avanzadas II
| O | ||||||||||
Simulación y Planificación Quirúrjica
| O | ||||||||||
Ingeniería neurosensorial
| O | ||||||||||
| O | ||||||||||
COMMUNICATION NETWORKS | 6 | Redes de comunicaciones
| X | ||||||||
Métodos numéricos | 10 | Modelos numéricos en Biomedicina
| X | ||||||||
Modelado y simulación dinámica aplicada a la Biomedicina
| O | ||||||||||
BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS | 12 | Historía clínica, terminologías y estándares
| O | ||||||||
Informática Biomédica
| O | ||||||||||
Tecnologías sistemas personales sanitarios
| O | ||||||||||
Interfaces | 4 | Interfaces hombre-máquina
| O | ||||||||
APPLICATIONS IN DIGITAL HEALTH | 16 | Aplicaciones en Salud Digital
| O | ||||||||
Laboratorio de Aplicaciones en Salud Digital
| O | ||||||||||
Redes y Servicios
| O | ||||||||||
Tecnologías asistivas
| O | ||||||||||
MEDICAL DECISION MAKING TOOLS | 4 | Sistemas de ayuda al al decisión médica
| O | ||||||||
BIOINFORMATICS | 4 | Bioinformática
| O | ||||||||
| O | O |
(*) Final Year Project included in semesters 7 and 8
Basic courses | Compulsory courses | Itinerary courses |
The first courses are common for all students. In the fourth course must choose an itinerary and make the GRADUATION END PROJECT