ETSIT  ¦ Internacional  ¦ Estudiantes ETSIT-UPM  ¦ Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)  ¦  Academic recognition

Academic Recognition

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    Go first to the regulations of Academic Recognition accessible on the Web School:

    There is collected the full text approved by the School Board for this purpose.

    In any case, below the most frequently asked questions are answered on these issues.

  • For a complete course to be recognized, how many hours per week of class must be followed?

    At no point a minimum number of hours of class or anything like that is requested. What is necessary is that an identical load of work with native students in the same course. If ECTS certificates is implemented in the foreign institution (and conversion is well done), 60 ECTS certificates credits must give a charge equivalent to the one of the native students.

  • What documents are needed on my return to the academic recognition of a full course?

    You will need to deliver a transcript ECTS, indicating credit rating and subject. This rating may be suitable (PASS), in which case it will not be considered for purposes of average, but for the purposes of calculating academic load. In this case be considered, of course, that the student meets the requirements for recognition if you've gathered 60 ECTS credits. 

    Initially, this original document should be sent directly by the International Coordinator at your destination to the International coordinator at the school. It is recommended to be done, whenever possible, with an original copy of these documents before returning. Often these documents are delayed more than is desirable, which may cause certain disorders.

  • I have obtained some credits under 60, I lost the course?

    So far, we have operated with some flexibility, although it should be clear that this situation has arisen to us in very few occasions. For example, it has not been rejected recognition of a course when it has been suspended a single subject that represents less than 5% of the course load (provided they have registered 60 ECTS and has been submitted to examination, ie, that containing the suspended certificate subject in the ECTS). These cases are often even directly assessed as fit in some countries. If the situation is more serious, it would have to resort to a formal validation procedure, subject by subject.

  • What special requirements must I meet to the recognition of last year and PFC / TFG/TFM?

    In this case it is required that the length of stay is 12 months at least. This does not necessarily mean doing more than 60 ECTS credits of courses / subjects, but to apply more effort to PFC / TFG / TFM. Normally there will be a standard allocation of the PFC / TFG / TFM in the foreign institution, and there will not be easy the possibility of a special recognition in credits for that PFC / TFG / TFM particularly long.

  • How much effort should be devoted to the PFC / TFG / TFM at another institution?

    Remember that the PFC / TFG / TFM are a part of the academic training that is given great importance in the school. If the PFC / TFG / TFM lower their quality, we could be forced to close the agreement with the corresponding foreign institution. It is your responsibility to dedicate the PFC / TFG / TFM reasonably a similar effort to the one made by your companions in Spain, even if your tutors at the host institution may consider your work is too much for your standard. The PFC / TFG / TFM must provide at least the equivalent effort to six months of full-time - PFC; two months of full-time - TFG; six months of full time - TFM.

  • What documents are needed on my return to academic recognition of six months of full time dedication - PFC / TFG?

    A bound copy and a copy in PDF format (in one file) on CD or DVD (you can use this cover as a model).

    In both cases the PFC / TFG (MSc thesis, memoire, etc.) I will be prefaced by a brief summary in Spanish, which will also be bound together with the PFC / TFG (NOTE: summaries in Spanish that come in single sheets will not be collected) . This resume, has to be no longer than four pages, you should start indicating the author, title in Spanish, tutor, institution, place and date of reading. For the bound copy, is accepted the authorized  usual format at the institution where it is performed , but for the  PFC will be necessary to put in the loin the student's name and the year in which the project is defended. It is also accepted, obviously, that the book is bound in the required format at the school. In addition, two more documents are required: an official academic certificate attesting the qualification and reading date and signatures of the tutor and the selection board (if any).

    It is a requirement that a public defense of the PFC / TFG is performed in the presence of at least two professors from the host institution. The record must include the student's name, the title of the project or work, the mark, date of reading and the names and signatures of the teachers present in the court. In the event that does not exist a rating and it was only rated as “PASS" (because at that center or country is not qualified in another way, such as in Sweden), the student will ask the tutor of the work Project or Master Thesis a document that advises a 'percentage assessment "of it so that the corresponding credit transfer can be done with a more accurate rating. 

    NOTE: according to the rules of the PFC of the ETSIT, "the final project is a personal work." In the event that the PFC is made between two students, it may reflect this in the first inside pages of the volume (you can put "author: xxxx, in collaboration with xxxx"), but not on the cover, in the cover should only contain the name of a student.

  • When can I apply for the academic recognition of PFC?

    You can only apply for the recognition once gathered all the necessary requirements to register it. This means that you must have passed all subjects of the degree. The right to recognition expires after three years of its defense. School will retain the certificates that are directly referred by other institutions until they can be used by stakeholders.

  • Who should I submit the above documents?

    You must deliver them at your return to Julian Ayuso at the International Office (Room A100)