ETSIT  ¦ Internacional  ¦ Estudiantes ETSIT-UPM  ¦ Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)  ¦  ECTS (english)


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  • What is ECTS?

    R. ECTS stands for "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System" (European System of Credit Transfer and Accumulation). It is the only credit system which has been successfully tested and used across Europe. It was initially established for credit transfer: The system facilitated the recognition of periods of study abroad, thus increasing the quality and volume of student mobility in Europe. ECTS is developing into an accumulation system to be implemented at institutional, regional, national and European level. This is one of the key objectives of the Bologna Declaration of June 1999.

    ECTS is a student-centered system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a program. These objectives are preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. In addition, ECTS can present the information in an institution and transfer the academic results evenly.

  • What is ECTS Information Document?

    ECTS Information Package is a proper information document of each institution (University, School, College, Institute, Department, etc.) which it is presented, following a common index, information of interest primarily to foreign students who wish to pursue studies in the same. This document consists of two parts. The first part, general, includes general information about the institution. For example, information on contact addresses and formalities to apply to be accepted as an ERASMUS student at the institution, accommodation possibilities, cost of living, health insurance, school calendar, language courses for foreigners, evaluation methods, etc. The second part, normally the most voluminous document, is the description of Curriculum and each of the subjects offered.

  • Does the School make ECTS certificates ?

    The school elaborates both ECTS certificates in English as certificates in percentiles, as also in English to students who request them.

    Important for those applying for work in foreign companies, or to request Master in American Universities: since some time ago, the school can issue certificates in English and with note percentage (percentiles, gives your place a percentage on each test for each subject ) they are very useful (in the US, especially "work" of wonder, a thousand times better than ECTS certificates, that there result very confusing ). Please note that these certificates only take a little more in the making, so it must be ordered two weeks in advance, depends a little bit of time when is asked.


  • What is an ECTS certificate?

    The "ECTS Transcript of Records" is an academic certificate with a standardized format. For each subject followed by a student, the number of ECTS credits granted, date, rating local notation (as usual in Spain, on 10 points) and the ECTS grade is included. The ECTS credit is a unit relative to the overall burden of the student. The burden of an academic year is, by definition, 60 ECTS credits. Thus, a subject of 6 ECTS credits represents the tenth part of the normal workload of a student in the year in which it is located. For example, the 1994 Plan is also oriented to credit. One ETSIT credit (local) represents 10 hours of classroom and on average; one academic year consists of 75 credits. This means that to know the value of a subject of the Plan 94 in ECTS credits, simply divide by 1.25 the ETSIT credits assigned to it. The ECTS grade is based on a weighting of the student's score compared to its peers. Thus, the rating is awarded "A" students found in 10% of the best ratings among approved, "B" to those found in the next 25%, "C" at 30% below, "D" 25% below and "E" to students who, approving, obtained a score in the range of 10% worse. "F" equals failing grade.